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EndNote is a reference management software package used to manage references. It lets users save references from databases, websites, and files, and create citations and bibliographies for documents. EndNote 20 is available from the institution's Software Center. If you experience issues with installation, please contact 4-INFO (713-794-4636).
Search for "Software Center" from your computer's start menu
Search the Software Center for "EndNote"
Select EndNote 20 and follow the installation prompts
Cloud-synching and network drives can corrupt libraries over time. Minimize the risk of library corruption and maximize library performance by saving libraries to a local drive. For simplicity, EndNote recommends saving libraries in the Documents folder.
EndNote Support: Compatibility with cloud storage
EndNote Support: Reasons why the library may get damaged
EndNote libraries with read-write access should not be stored on a network or shared drive as it can lead to library corruption as well as general performance issues.
If you must save a library to a network drive for sharing purposes, keep in mind that only one user can access it at a time, and it may become corrupted and/or perform poorly over time. Create backup files of the library to safeguard against a loss of library data.
Alternatively, use EndNote's Sharing feature to share a library or group(s) once and changes in real-time. You must have an online account to enable this feature and it only allows for sharing the library that is synced to the online counterpart. Please see the Sharing Options page of this Guide for more information.
Safeguard reference data by making backup copies of libraries at regular intervals. Keep in mind, that these files are static. Any changes made to libraries will not be applied to the backup files.
Large Libraries with File Attachments (Compress the library to use less storage space)
File menu
Compress Library (.enlx)...
Select Create
Select With File Attachments
Select All References in Library
Next button
Select a location for saving
Add the date to the file name
Save button
EndNote Support: Moving, backing up or transferring libraries to another computer
Register for an EndNote Online account and sync it to your desktop application. This feature lets users access their EndNote library from any machine. It also enables EndNote's sharing features and provides a way to recover a synced library.
Select Register > Complete the form
Go to your EndNote library
Edit menu > Preferences...
Sync section > Enter your EndNote Online credentials
Apply button > OK button
Only one (1) library can be synced to the online counterpart; the selected library cannot be easily changed in the desktop, but additional libraries can be merged into the online library
Instead of creating multiple libraries, consider using Groups to organize references within a single library
Online libraries can contain an unlimited number of references and attachments
Only Groups (not Group Sets and Smart Groups) appear in the online library
Synchronize your entire desktop library with your EndNote online account. Enter your Endnote online account credentials in the desktop application's Preferences and automate the sync process by marking the "Automatically Sync" box. Your library will automatically sync every 10-15 minutes while the desktop application is open.
Alternatively, you can initiate the sync process by highlighting Sync Status in the Groups panel and clicking the Sync Now button.
EndNote Click is a free browser plugin that finds available full-text PDFs of articles while you browse the Web and some databases, like PubMed. When it finds a PDF, it will show a "View PDF" button in the lower-left corner of the window.
Download EndNote Click for Firefox
Download EndNote Click for Chrome
Download EndNote Click for Microsoft Edge