Visit ORCID's FAQ bank to get answers to common questions about ORCID, including how to troubleshoot issues related to obtaining or recovering an ORCID.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a well-known and widely-used personal identifier (PID) used by researchers. It is a 16-digit number (the ID) that uniquely identifies a researcher, and its associated record (the profile) identifies their output. ORCID is a free service and an ID and can be obtained through a simple online registration process.
An ORCID is not institution-specific. You maintain your ORCID and its associated record no matter your affiliation.
Complete a short registration form at the link provided below. Be prepared to enter a name, email, and password, as well as choose visibility settings. Please note that the "current employment" field is optional - look for a link that lets you skip this step.
Upon completing registration, you will be routed to your ORCID profile. Make note of your unique ORCID ID located on the top, left of the profile page. Additionally, you will receive an email from ORCID asking you to verify your email address. Make sure you verify, so that you have full editing rights to your ORCID profile.
If you think you may already have an ORCID, search the ORCID registry (by name) at the link provided below. If you find an ID and profile that belong to you, go to the Sign in page and choose the "forgot your password or ORCID ID?" link.