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Google and Google Scholar

Tips and Tricks to search Google and Google Scholar efficiently.

Exporting to Endnote

You can export to EndNote, RefWorks, RefMan, and BibTeX. 

To make an Export button appear under each citation so you can quickly export 

  1. Go to Settings/Search Results
  2. Under "Bibliogtaphy Manager," select "Show links to import citations to ENDNOTE/REFWORKS/etc."

To export the maximum number of citations (20) at one time 

  1. Go to Settings/Search Results
  2. Change "Results per page" from the default 10 to 20. This is currently the maximum you can choose.  
  3. When you search, click the star to save citations into "My Library." 
  4. When you're finished saving the relevant citations, go to "My Library" 
  5. Check the top box to select all 20 displayed citations
  6. Open the EndNote library you want to export the citations to.
  7. In Google Scholar, click on Export