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EndNote X9

Group Options

Notes on Group Options

Groups are subsets of references in a library; some are automatically generated and permanent, and others are created by the user and temporary. These options lets users organize a library according to their needs.

  • Groups are arranged in the Groups pane alphabetically; the user can re-arrange the order of groups by dragging and dropping
  • References can be added to groups by dragging and dropping
  • References can be added to multiple groups
  • Deleting references from a group does not remove them from the library - they are moved to the Unfiled and All References groups
  • Deleted references can be recovered from the Trash group, if the Trash has not been emptied

Organize References

Create a Group Set

A Group Set is a superset of references. Group Sets are the top-most group in EndNote's hierarchical arrangement of groups. 


Click on a step to view a screenshot.

  1. Groups menu > Create Group Set
  2. Group Set appears in Groups pane > Name Group Set
  3. Drag references into the Group Set 
Points & Help
  • Users can create up to 5,000 Group Sets
  • Group Sets can contain a combination of Groups and Smart Groups

Create a Group

A Group, also referred to as a Custom Group, is a subset of references. Groups sit under Group Sets in EndNote's hierarchical arrangement of groups.


Click on a step to view a screenshot.

  1. Highlight the Group Set where the Group will nest > Right-click > Create Group
  2. Group appears under Group Set > Name Custom Group
Points & Help
  • Users can create up to 5,000 Groups (combined with Smart Groups)
  • It is possible to give two different Groups the same name

Create a Smart Group

A Smart Group is a subset of references collated by search criteria defined by the user. Smart Groups can be positioned as a Group Set or Custom Group in EndNote's hierarchical arrangement of groups.  


Click on a step to view a screenshot.

  1. Display all references by highlighting the All References group
  2. Groups menu > Create Smart Group
  3. Name the Smart Group and define search criteria > Create button 
  4. The new Smart Group will nest under the first Group Set in the Groups pane. Smart Groups can be moved by dragging and dropping. 
Points & Help
  • Users can create up to 5,000 Smart Groups (combined with Custom Groups)
  • When new references are added to the library, they are automatically organized in a Smart Group, if they match its search criteria
  • When you delete a reference from a Smart Group, it is deleted from the All References group