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What is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributer ID) is a registry of unique identifiers for researchers and scholars. Anyone can sign up for a free account and receive their 16-digit identifier in minutes.  Signing up for an ORCID identifier and using it in your research workflows will ensure that you receive credit for your work. It can also simplify manuscript and grant submissions and improve author search results.

You can think of ORCID as the academic equivalent of your employee or student ID number. It ensures other research systems and services know who you are.

Click here to sign up for your ORCiD today!

Watch this video to find out more about ORCID:

What is ORCID? from ORCID on Vimeo.

Why should I have an ORCiD?

Ensures Attribution

Researchers often share similar names, and it is not uncommon for different scholars to share exactly the same name. In addition, names can change over the course of a person's career or be represented differently by different publishers.

Using ORCID identifiers helps eliminate this problem. For example, some publishers are beginning to incorporate the ORCID identifiers of authors into journal articles. This will ensure that authors are always properly credited with the work they have produced.

Improves Discoverability

Once you have an ORCID identifier and start using it in your research workflows, your research output will benefit from improved discoverability. ORCID is indexed by Google Scholar, and you can also link it to the author systems used in key databases like Web of Science and Scopus.

By attaching your unique identity to articles, datasets, patents, and so on, you ensure that all of your work is found when other scholars search for your research output.

Saves Time

Many major publishers and research funders are increasingly incorporating ORCID into their workflows. For example, journal publishers may request your ORCID iD during the manuscript submission process. 

Organizations can do many useful things with your ORCID iD, such as automatically fill in your personal details so that you do not have to complete their online forms manually. As more organizations implement ORCID integrations, you will waste less time on repeatedly entering the same data into different research information systems.

Stays with you throughout your career

Your ORCiD is issued to you personally, and is not connected with MD Anderson or any other institution that you have been affiliated with. ORCiD is global. Should you move to a new institution, your ORCiD travels with you, ensuring that you always have a unique way to identify yourself as an author or researcher.